Cory, I really have a hard time with you saying I have a certain amount of, "faith" and that drives my beliefs. In fact, it is absolutely the contrary. As I talked about in my very first post, it is my lack of faith that drives my atheism. My beliefs are based on evidence, not faith. I believe in the Big Bang origins of the universe not because it sounds good, but because of the evidence we have that caused us to come to those conclusions.
My personal philosophy is not to come up with an idea and then find evidence to prove it. My personal philosophy is to look at the evidence and then use it to understand what is happening. This is the polar opposite of having faith.
"Faith" and "Belief" do not mean the same thing.
"Belief" is something you think is true. and "Faith" is trusting what you think is true to be true, with our without proof.
I don't believe in God not because I have faith he doesn't exist, but because I don't see any proof of his existence. I acknowledge that I may be wrong. I can't disprove god's existence. But to take an idea and then search for proof to validate those claims is a flawed process. It causes people to filter out what information doesn't fit their idea. I don't disbelieve in god because I want him to not exist, but because I don't see the evidence that leads me to make the conclusion that he does.
I understand that god could exist and works in ways that show no evidence. But I can't take lack of evidence as proof of his existence. That is just illogical. That is why I can't say that I have "faith".
"Bottom line - a religion is a system of beliefs that result in a call to action." You can use that definition if you would like, but I think this is far too broad. For one, my Atheism doesn't necessarily call me to action. I may choose to act upon my dis-belief, but I know far more atheists that prefer not to say or do anything to others about it. For another, there are far more systems of beliefs that don't have anything to do with a belief in god that result in a call for action. For example: I would not consider "Pro-Gun Rights" to be a religion.
For the record, I don't take offense to calling Atheism a religion. I just don't agree that it is. But like you said, it comes down to what our definition of "religion" is. This reminds me of the Don Hirschberg quote that goes something like, "Calling Atheism a religion is like calling 'bald' a hair color."
You may believe in other "lesser gods" but if they are the gods of other religions than your own, you have to acknowledge that in most cases, there will be a conflict of interest in terms of which mythology is correct. If you believe in Yahweh AND Zeus, then you have extremely conflicting origin stories of the universe. If one is correct then the other isn't. You can't get around it without skewing the very understanding of who that god is.
Although I'm curious as to what logic of Richard Dawkins you think is assinine, I don't think it's relevant to this debate. The same goes for the other famous Atheists. Although as far as Bill Maher is concerned: Anyone who makes a movie where they are belittling people of other beliefs for two hours is just a deuchebag.
"However, just as disliking Mahar or Hitchens doesn't make you less atheist, disagreeing with, say, Brigham Young on certain things doesn't make me less Christian." I agree with you here. Although, I wonder how you would feel if instead of you disagreeing with Mr. Young, you disagreed with Jesus. But that's a whole different subject.
We can go back and forth about the subject of what does and doesn't constitute a religion. Like I said, I'm not offended by it. I just don't agree that my atheism is a religion.
You're right. I have first amendment rights on the issue. But my beliefs don't get tax-exempt status.
Thanks for (although not deliberately) bringing up this subject. I feel as though I've been playing offense this entire blog and you and Dan have been playing defense. I would love for you two to bring up debates where I have to defend my stance a little more.
Take care, and happy (belated) Thanksgiving!
My beliefs are based on the best current evidence, and are changeable when presented with new evidence. Creationist beliefs are based on faith and are immutable. There is a big difference. Would you like to disprove evolution very quickly and easily? Simply find a fossilized rabbit skeleton in the same strata of rock as a fossilized T-Rex. Though it probably wouldn't change my view on super-natural creator(s), it would most certainly and permanently destroy Darwin's famous theory as well as my acceptance of it.
ReplyDeleteCan you say something similar about The Bible? God? What would disprove your belief? Evolution and science are falsifiable. Anything supernatural, by definition, is not.
Thanks! I couldn't agree with you more!
ReplyDeleteAtheists think that to disprove Religion is to disprove God. God id not Religion, and Religion is not God. Sorry folks, back to the drawing board.
ReplyDeleteFaith is a good start for people who believe. But through ongoing scientific studies of NDE's there is an enormous body of evidence growing that support that what the faithful believe in is true.
ReplyDeleteYou might want to assimilate this scientific evidence into your thought process as it appears woefully inadequate if we are seriously going to advance past the Apeman mentality that has been with us for far too long.
Man needs to take the next step and open himself up to seeing the greatest show of them all and free ourselves from this Darwinian rut that some are still clinging on to.
Its the dawn of a new day. Let's embrace it accordingly.
Please cite resources.
ReplyDeleteEverything that I have read shows that neurology has pinpointed the parts of the brain that cause Near Death Experiences. I have heard that we can actually cause someone to have a NDE without actually have their body functions shut down simply by stimulating that part of the brain.
Anonymous who wrote, "Atheists think that to disprove Religion is to disprove God. God id not Religion, and Religion is not God. Sorry folks, back to the drawing board." Please, read my very first post in this blog. It discusses this topic specifically.